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Host-plants : Urtica

Wingspan : 55-65 mm


Aglais io

10th May 2017, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.

Adult in the heathers

1st July 2017, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.

Adult gathering pollen on Cirsium arvense

14th January 2018, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.

Adult wintering in the butterflies house

11th April 2018, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.

Adult gathering the pollen of Prunus spinosa

27th May 2017, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.


4th July 2017, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.

Adult taking a sun bath

28th March 2018, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.

Damaging adult

26th April 2018, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.

Adult laying

28th May 2017, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.

Young caterpillars

2nd November 2017, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.

Adult taking an autumnal sun bath before winter

11th April 2018, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.

Adult taking a sun bath

26th April 2018, Thomas Huet

Clitourps, Manche, France.


2018, Thomas Huet.

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